


Scouting has a long tradition at Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal Church.
Troop 34 is the oldest continually existing Boy Scout troop in the city!

Please reach out to us. We would love to tell you more about our program.

Boy Scouting is a great way to build friendships, discipline, and self-esteem.


Jim Martin

Centennial Celebration!

Posted on Nov 19 2020 - 7:22pm

In celebration of our centennial year, we'd love to hear more about our Alumni and Friends! Please click here to fill out our contact information form.

The Scout Lodge

Posted on Nov 19 2020 - 6:52pm

The Scout Lodge is located immediately east of Miss Lee's campus on Peabody Avenue. The Scout Lodge is utilized by all of the Church’s Scouting programs: Boy Scout Troop 34, Cub Scout Pack 34, Brownie Troop 10283, and Girl Scout Troop 10457.

When and where does Troop 34 meet?

Posted on Nov 19 2020 - 6:41pm

Our troop meets every Wednesday from 7:15 PM to 8:45 PM in Grace St. Luke's Church's Scout Lodge.

Get free money for the troop whenever you shop at Kroger

Posted on Aug 22 2019 - 8:22am

Did you know that you can give money to Troop 34 while you buy groceries at Kroger? It does not affect your gas award either! If you have not signed up yet, go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com to create your account. If you designate Troop 34 as your Community Rewards Organization (use NPO # II119; those are two letter I's at the beginning)

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